AURO University is a progressive center for integral learning and leadership where the mind, body and spirit are aligned and prepared to embark on a journey of lifelong enrichment for both, the individual and the community. The aim is to provide integral education, skill sets and values needed to lead a more purposeful and fulfilling life in today’s complex and changing world.

AURO University is an environment of collaboration and creativity driven by the power of ideas that Encourages, Enables & Empowers students in their Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual Growth.

The AURO University campus provides dynamic, energetic and progressive learning for students of tomorrow. Our campus atmosphere inspires students to discover themselves and to reach their highest potential. Students will be enriched through academic excellence, transformative experiences and excellent infrastructure facilities.

AURO University values and promotes diversity of Thought, Creativity and Entrepreneurial Spirit. We invite you to join our learning community, who believe in pursuit of knowledge and success in life.